Saturday, June 21, 2014

Jim Himes is Scared

We think Mr. Himes is particularly vulnerable this election. His party has been ineffective on domestic and foreign policy and Himes has voted with his party 93% of the time.

He seems to be struggling recently.

Mr. Himes bravely voted against the Obama budget (after six years of voting for essentially the very same budget) because he wants to bring fiscal discipline to Washington.

Mr. Himes was against the Patriot Act, until he was against the Amash Amendment that would have emasculated the Patriot Act, until he was for the FREEDOM Act that would replace parts of the Patriot Act.

It's good he is scared. We think he is at risk.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Why Does Jim Himes Support Warrantless NSA Searches?

In what’s being billed as a momentum boost for anti-surveillance advocates, the US House of Representative on Thursday approved an amendment that significantly reigns in warrantless searches on Americans’ communication records.
By a vote of 293 to 123, a bipartisan coalition in the House voted to ban the National Security Agency from conducting “backdoor searches” on United States citizens, a process that allowed the intelligence community to collect data on Americans without a warrant as long as the official target was a foreigner. The program was first revealed by the Guardian, through documents leaked by Edward Snowden.

Jim Himes was against the Patriot Act, until he was against the Amash Amendment that would have emasculated the Patriot Act, until he was for the FREEDOM Act that would have replaced parts of the Patriot Act, until he was against the Massie Amendment which is the subject of the story above.

Can Jim Himes tell us where he stands on the Fourth Amendment? Then stick to it?

Chris Murphy: Meet Walter Mondale

Chris Murphy is channeling Walter Mondale:
Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) on Wednesday unveiled the first bipartisan Senate proposal to raise the gas tax, broaching a dangerous political issue that lawmakers have avoided for years.
The Murphy-Corker plan would raise the gas tax by 12 cents over the next two years, raising $164 billion over the next decade and covering the shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund.

We only hope Mr. Murphy meets the same fate in 2018 as Mr. Mondale did in 1984.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Jim Himes Bravely Asks Darien Residents to Express Their Overwhelming Opposition to Bomb Syria

Jim Himes today asks his constituents, at the Darien Library, for their thoughts on President Obama's request to bomb Syria. How brave of the Congressman. Polls show overwhelming opposition to getting involved in Syria. It is doubtful the congressman's constituents are much different.

Where was the Congressman's town hall when the vote for the Affordable Care Act was pending? Where was the Congressman's town hall when the Amash Amendment, which would have emasculated the Patriot Act, was pending? In a completely inexplicable turnabout, Himes, who voted AGAINST the Patriot Act voted AGAINST an Amendment that would have crippled the Patriot Act. Where was the Congressman's town hall when the Obama administration forced church's to violate their conscience?

On the tough votes the Congressman hides. On the easy votes he asks our opinion. Congressman Himes has been a disappointment with his leading from behind strategy and lock-step voting with Nancy Pelosi. Today's meeting at the Darien Library is further evidence of this.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Jim Himes Joins Bipartisan Effort to Spy on US Citizens

Jim Himes loves to bemoan the lack of bipartisanship in Washington. Good news everyone, Mr. Himes joined in the bipartisan effort to allow the NSA to spy on US citizens by voting against the Amash Amendment.

According to the NY Times
In one of the most unusual votes in years, the House on Wednesday barely defeated an amendment to curtail the National Security Agency’s collection of every phone record, limiting it to records of people targeted in investigations.
Imagine that, only allowing the NSA, which until the Patriot Act was restricted from spying on US citizens, to only spy on people targeted in investigations?

Himes joined Nancy Pelosi (D),  Steny Hoyer (D), John Boehner (R), Eric Cantor (R) in voting against the clearly dangerous and illegal subversion of our right to privacy and voting for general warrants.

Mr. Himes is against the Patriot Act, but for allowing the NSA to spy on you.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Senator Blumenthal: Tough on the Issues

Look at Senator Blumenthal's Twitter page, for his views on the DoJ's subversion of the Free Press, the IRS attack on free speech and the NSA's spying on domestic citizens.

He is silent on those issues on his Twitter account.

Check his Facebook page for his views on these issues.

He is silent on these issues on his Facebook page.

Check his website for his views.  Check the Issues tab, and the Newsroom tab. He is again silent on these issues.

But the good news is this:

Blumenthal Issues Letter Calling on Nickelodeon to Prohibit Advertisements that Market Unhealthy Food to Children
That's quite a relief. For a second I thought he wasn't paying attention to some of the important issues of the day.

According to the NY Times Senator Blumenthal decided not to vote on the Patriot Act extension.  He voted for the extension of FISA 

Dick Blumenthal, protecting Nickelodeon watchers from unhealthy food.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Himes Against NSA snooping except when he's for it

Jim Himes is Shocked! Shocked there is gambling in Casablanca!

He decries the overreach of the NSA domestic spying program but doesn't mention he voted FOR the extension of the FISA Amendments Act

“a law so broad and vague that, despite its passage four years ago, we still have little idea how the government is using it.” 

Good for Mr. Himes for voting against the Patriot Act. It's too bad his commitment to liberty didn't extend to voting against FISA.